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9 Best Teas to Reduce Bloating and Flatten Your Tummy

This post is your ultimate guide to 9 herbal teas to reduce bloating and water retention, aid digestion, and soothe a swollen belly.

Feeling bloated isn’t fun. Not only does a bloated belly make you look and feel pounds heavier, but it can also be downright uncomfortable.

Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including food intolerances and allergies, overeating, constipation, PMS and imbalanced intestinal bacteria.

One of the best ways to relieve bloating is to drink tea. Studies have shown that various herbal teas can improve digestion and calm upset stomachs.

Here are the top herbal teas to reduce bloating and flatten your tummy.

9 Best Teas To Reduce Bloating

There is something simply relaxing about enjoying a warm cup of tea. Not only does it taste great, but the ingredients can do some pretty amazing things.

If you’re looking for health benefits that add to a great cup of tea, and also help you deflate when you’re feeling bloated, then these recommendations should help.

Peppermint tea

peppermint tea

Used for thousands of years, peppermint tea combines a minty taste with some impressive health benefits. Peppermint tea can be your go-to tea not only for bloating, but for many other ailments.

Peppermint leaves contain several essential oils that help ease digestive issues. Peppermint is also a natural muscle relaxant, so if you’re expecting a visit from your dear Aunt Flow… then this particular tea is extremely helpful.

Lemon Tea

lemon tea

Many people love to drink warm water with lemon every morning. Lemon can be used as a stand-alone ingredient or added to black or green teas for several benefits.

A natural diuretic, lemon helps regulate blood sugar and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also high in citric acid, which can help detoxify the liver. This tea is recommended if you feel bloated due to excessive sugar intake.

Ginger Tea

ginger tea

This tea is oftentimes referred to as ginger water. It is simply hot water infused with fresh ginger, which creates a nice spicy drink that can be adjusted to taste by adding in more ginger or letting it steep longer.

Ginger tea helps to reduce bloating, but also it is quite invigorating and stimulates your digestive tract. Ginger tea can also be infused with lemon, which as you know adds its own unique health benefits.

Fennel Tea

fennel tea

Fennel is one of the more widely used medicinal plants, and the benefits are both culinary and curative. It is used in so many different ways, and all parts of the plant are used, including the bulb, seeds, and leaves.

If your bloating is due to gas, then this is your magical potion to make it all go away.  Fennel tea also helps boost your metabolism and can speed up digestion.

Gentian Root Tea

gentian tea

Gentian is a bitter herb that helps stimulate digestion. It’s said to increase saliva production and promote digestive enzymes.

People have used gentian root for generations to fight inflammation and swelling. Therefore, if peppermint tea isn’t cutting it for premenstrual bloating, try combining it with some gentian root, or enjoy this drink on its own.

Chamomile Tea

chamomile tea

Another folk remedy, chamomile tea has a wide range of health benefits. It’s traditionally used to treat indigestion, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and ulcers, proving that this little flower can do some amazing things other than just make you sleepy.

The flavonoids in chamomile have been shown to soothe abdominal pain and relax intestinal muscles. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea can help relieve gas and reduce bloating.

Dandelion Root Tea

dandelion root

Yup, these are the weeds you find in your yard. Dandelion has been used as far back as we have written history, and most often the leaves and roots are consumed for their health benefits.

Dandelion root tea helps to reduce water weight, promote liver health, and soothes digestive ailments. This makes it one of the best teas you can drink to reduce bloating.

Green Tea

green tea

Enjoyable as both a warm or cold beverage, green tea contains healthy bioactive compounds that have been shown to increase fat burning and improve digestion.

Additionally, if you don’t like the flavors of other teas, like fennel or gentian, you can combine thm with green tea for a better taste profile. Try drinking green tea with honey, lemon and ginger – this combo is awesome for relieving bloating.


hibiscus tea

If you’re anything like us, you prefer your teas to have a pleasant, sweet taste. Hibiscus tea tastes much like cranberries and can also be enjoyed both hot and cold.

Hibiscus tea helps to relieve bloat, but it is also packed with antioxidants. It’s been shown to lower blood pressure, burn fat, and boost liver health.

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Flat Tummy Bonus!

Reducing bloat doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as curling up with a cup of tea and an episode of your favorite Netflix series.

While those teas work their magic on your insides, take care of your tummy on the outside with Cheeky Physique’s Tummy Sleek.

Tummy Sleek Tummy Tightening Serum


Our stomach tightening serum is packed with caffeine and circulation-boosting botanical ingredients that help reduce puffiness and firm the look of the belly area.

Combined with a healthy diet and exercise (and yes, the occasional cup of bloat-busting tea), it’s your secret weapon for a tighter tummy and extra boost of confidence.

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